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My special dream

发布:2019-04-30 / 点击:次 / 来源:


       英语学习中,口语的训练和学习是至关重要的,口语学习中学习者的自信和使用口语的机会又是必不可少的,2019年4月25日,我校面向全体初一学生举行了以“My Dream ”为主题的“东枫达人秀”英语演讲暨才艺风采大赛,展示新时代枫杨学子的青春风采,为他们提供了一个锻炼自我、提升自我、展现自我的机会和同学们之间相互交流学习的平台,让我们一起通过这些精彩的演讲走进学生的世界,了解他们不一样的梦想。


  Respectful teachers and dear students,good afternoon. I am Tao Yifan from Class 15, Grade 7. Now, let me tell you something about my special dream.

  With the development of science and technology, the situation of our home is getting worse and worse. I feel extremely sad because a sea of cars make me couldn't see the beautiful and blue sky any more. More and more factories also have a great influence on our environment. So when l was a little kid, l had a great dream. I want to change the situation of our environment through my own power. Although many people think it is a fantasy, I have a strong belief that it will be changed one day.

  In order to achieve my dream, I need to start from the little things of my life,such as picking up the rubbish, going out by public transportation and stuff. Now I’ve begun to take action.In my home, my family and I start to reuse water. When my mum washes the dishes ,we often use the dirty water again to flush the toilet. When we go out for shopping,we choose to take cloth bags with us instead of using plastic bags . And when I come to school, if there is no one in our classroom, I always turn off the lights in time. Though these things are quite insignificant, I believe it is a big step for realizing my dream.

  However, only my efforts are far from enough. I need extra hands to help me. And the hands come from you,from everybody around us. I think almost all of you have seen a film called The Wondering Earth. It’s an exciting film and I’m really shocked at the earth in the movie at that time. I really don’t want to see the day when we are forced to leave our survival place. The environment of the earth is the most important but fundamental thing for us all. l believe that making a better living environment is not only my own dream, but also the best wishes from people like you. So let’s do something for the earth together. l expect more and more people will realize that protecting our environment is something everyone can do with their efforts.

  That is all about my dream. Although my power is limited, but l will keep trying to make my dream come true. So now, please stretch out our hands to make our home more beautiful.

  Thanks for your listening.

  教师点评(15A 刘瑞):

  演讲的主题为“梦想”,一帆同学选择保护环境为自己的梦想,主题明确,逻辑清晰,语言丰富。首先从“Why we need to protect our environment”角度展开引入话题,同时阐述了自己从小就立下的美好梦想。接下来从“How I can do to realize my dream”为主旨展开叙述,通过从家庭到学校不同的场所举例说明,切实让大家感受到了小小环保卫士为梦想付诸于行动的决心。最后,演讲者在号召更多的人加入到环保中时,借助电影《流浪地球》The Wondering Earth中由于环境改变迫使大家不得不离开地球的状况,引起现场在座观众的共鸣。整个演讲过程中孩子的发音标准清晰、语言铿锵有力且富有激情和感染力,肢体语言丰富,表情自然,即兴回答环节更是有条不紊、侃侃而谈。让所有观众都感受到了孩子的热忱,以及对自己梦想的渴望。